Our process involves a team of professionals who are experts in the treatment of obesity. The team includes a nurse practitioner, behavioral counselor, dietitian, physical therapist and surgeon. The behavioral counselor will assess your current social and psychological behaviors that may affect you as you make lifestyle changes. The dietitian will discuss your weight loss history and assess your current eating habits. You will be required to see a physical therapist for an evaluation of your functional and physical limitations. In addition, you will see the surgical nurse and surgeon.
The surgeon will review the assessments of the behavioral counselor and dietitian. The doctor will discuss all procedures performed at Washington University as well as the risks and benefits related to the surgeries.
- Click on the “ATTENDING A SEMINAR.”
- Register for seminar.
- You will receive a confirmation email within 24 hours, with travel and parking instructions.
- Contact your insurance to verify that you have “bariatric surgery” benefits.
- Attend seminar.
- Appointment with nurse practitioner.
- Appointment with registered dietitian.
- Psychology behavior assessment.
- Physical therapy (exercise assessment).
- Labs (CMP, CBC, TSH, LIPID, HghA1c, PTH, Vitamins D and B12, TIBC, Ferritin, Iron
- EKG.
- Other appropriate testing (EGD, manometry, sleep study, cardiac, PFT, etc.)
- Education – online.
- Appointment with surgeon.
- Obtain predetermination approval from insurance.
- Surgery scheduled.
- Complete “refresher class” with nurse (2-3 weeks prior to surgery).
- Complete preoperative testing with CPAP (Center for Preoperative Assessment Planning); this is the anesthesia portion of your procedure.
- Surgery!
- Follow-up!